
Are you interested in Girl Scout Governance at either the National Level or locally in your council?  This website, launched in January 2019, is open to all members of the Girl Scout Movement who are interested in governance.

The ultimate responsibility for the Girl Scout Movement rests with its members. We govern by an efficient and effective democratic process that demonstrates our leadership in a fast-changing world.
  • We passionately believe that democratic processes which give voice and avenues for decision-influencing to all members of the Girl Scout Movement will result in the right decisions and directions for our Movement.
  • We believe that our National Council needs to completely fulfill its responsibilities given to it in our Constitution, including to amend the Constitution, establish requirements for credentials, determine the general lines of policy of the Girl Scout Movement and program by considering and acting upon proposals directed toward the fostering and improvement of Girl Scouting, and by giving guidance to the National Board upon general lines of direction of the Movement and program.  (Constitution, Article V, Section 2)
  • We believe that our National Council needs to exercise the powers conferred by the Congressional Charter and by other applicable laws, “with due regard for its position as the coordinating head of the Girl Scout Movement in the United States.”  (Constitution, Article IV, Section 2)
  • We believe that to be efficient and effective in governance in a fast-changing world, members of our Movement must have ample opportunity to shape the agenda for National Council Sessions and to discuss topics prior to our National Council, our National Board of Directors and our National Staff making major decisions affecting all of us.
  • We believe that for our members truly to take responsibility for the Girl Scout Movement, they must both be well-informed and have free access to channels for governance discussions open to ALL interested members of the Movement, not just a select few.

To meet this vision, we offer this website as a tool for Girl Scout members to take responsibility for our Movement by making proposals for the National Council, discussing such proposals, and undertaking other decision influencing activities both nationally and locally.

You will find all sorts of governance resources here, all in one place.  Are you a National Delegate and want to know more about the position?  We have a National Delegate primer with what you need to know.  There’s also one for council delegates too.  Need some resources to understand Robert’s Rules of Order and parliamentary procedureThey’re here.  Need to find the latest copy of GSUSA’s Blue BookIt’s here.  Want to know what has changed in the Blue Book over time?  There’s a change log.  Need minutes of a past National Council SessionThey are here.

The developers and moderators of this website are dedicated to this website site being for governance topics only.  Comments need to be constructive in their approach and oriented to making our Movement better and more democratic.  Inappropriate commentary, including attacks on the Girl Scout organization at any level, comments not in line with the Girl Scout Promise and Law, and comments which are not about governance will be removed.

Please join us in our efforts to improve the governance of our Movement, and please pass on this message and link to members in your local councils whom you know are interested in governance.  Include your council’s current National Delegates, any delegates or voting members to your council’s governance meetings, and any other members of our Movement you know are interested in making our democratic processes function efficiently and effectively.

Thank you for all you do for Girl Scouting!


  1. As a council delegate I would like to know what part does GSUSA play in Planned Parenthood? Where can I find this info? As a volunteer for Fortyfive years. This has been brought up more and more often. But when it affects my Girl Scouts and they can’t be recognized in their church then it’s time to get some answers!

    1. There is NO DIRECT CONNECTION OR PARTNERSHIP of the organizations.

      There are adults within Girl Scouting (paid staff, corporate officers, members and volunteers) that have been in the past or might currently have an involvement or connection. Most of the inferred “connection” is through some of these people.

      The same can be said of almost any group (of any type) and the Girl Scouts. There are over 5 million women now who have been Girl Scouts at some point in their lives. I cannot even start to figure out how to compute how many women have been involved (from being a girl to being a financial supporter) since March of 1912.

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