2009 Blue Book Changes

Changes numbers 1 through 10 reflect the amendments passed at the 2008 National Council Session.  The Blue Book for 2009 was actually published in June of 2010.  Red strike-through means text was removed and green indicates words were inserted.

1.  Throughout the Blue Book, “National Nominating Committee” was renamed to “National Board Development Committee.”

2. Amended Constitution/Article IV/The National Council:

The membership of this corporation shall consist of the members for the time being of the National Council of Girl Scouts of the United States of America, and the corporation in meeting assembled shall be known as the National Council.

3.  Amended Constitution/Article V/Sessions of the National Council:

1. There shall be a regular session of the National Council held triennially at such time and place (not necessarily within the District of Columbia) as it may determine or as may be as determined by the National Board of Directors in the absence of action by the National Council. Notice of the time, place, and purpose of such session shall be mailed not less than 60 days before the session to each local council, to each USA Girl Scouts Overseas committee, and to each member of the National Board of Directors and National Nominating Committee National Board Development Committee.

4.  Amended Constitution/Article IV/The National Council:

5. Each local council to which a charter has been issued and remains in force shall be entitled to one delegate, and in addition, one further delegate for each eighteen hundred girls the following delegates based on the number of girls under its jurisdiction who are members registered with Girl Scouts of the United States of America as of September 30 of the year preceding the regular session of the National Council;

a. two (2) delegates;
b. one (1) additional delegate for up to 3,500 girls;
c. one (1) additional delegate for every 3,500 girls thereafter.

USA Girl Scouts Overseas collectively shall be entitled to the number of delegates according to the same formula prescribed for local councils.

The prescribed figure of eighteen hundred 3,500 girls shall may be adjusted up or down by three hundred or multiples thereof when necessary to keep the total number of local council and USA Girl Scouts Overseas delegates as close as possible to two thousand but not in excess of two thousand membership no larger than 1,500.

5.  Amended Constitution/Article IV/The National Council:


4. The membership of the National Council shall consist of delegates elected by Girl Scout councils who are registered through such local councils; delegates from USA Girl Scouts Overseas, who are selected by a committee appointed by the National Board of Directors; members of the National Board of Directors and National Nominating Committee; Past Presidents of Girl Scouts of the United States of America; and such other persons as may be elected by the National Council; provided that the number of delegates from local councils and USA Girl Scouts Overseas shall not at any time exceed two thousand, and that at least four-fifths of the entire membership shall at all times consist of delegates from local councils and USA Girl Scouts Overseas.


4. The membership of the National Council shall consist of:

a. delegates elected by Girl Scout councils who are registered through such local councils;
b. delegates from USA Girl Scouts Overseas;
c. members of the National Board;
d. members of the National Board Development Committee;
e. Past Presidents of Girl Scouts of the United States of America; and
f. such other persons as may be elected by the National Council.

The total membership of the National Council shall not exceed 1,500, and at least four-fifths of the entire membership shall consist of delegates from local councils and from USA Girl Scouts Overseas.

6.  Amended Constitution/Article V/Sessions of the National Council:


3. Special sessions of the National Council shall be called by the President at any time upon written request of 20 members of the National Board of Directors or of 20 percent of the membership of the National Council, of which number one-tenth shall represent each of at least three geographical areas of the country as defined in the Bylaws. The purpose of such session shall be limited to the legitimate business of the National Council and shall be stated with the request. No other business shall be transacted expect that for which the session has been called. Notice of a special session, stating the time, place, and purpose therefore, shall be mailed not less than 30 days before the session to each local council, to each delegate from USA Girl Scouts Overseas, to each member of the National Board of Directors and National Nominating Committee, and to each member elected by the National Council entitled to vote at such session.


3. Special sessions of the National Council shall be called by the President upon written request of a majority of the members of the National Board of Directors or twenty percent (20%) of the membership of the National Council, which shall represent at least twenty-five percent (25%) percent of the councils chartered by GSUSA. The purpose of the session shall be stated in the written request.

The purpose of the special session shall be limited to legitimate business of the National Council, and no other business shall be transacted except that for which the session has been specifically called.

Notice of the special session, stating the time, place, and specific purpose, shall be mailed not less than 30 days before the session to each local council, each delegate from USA Girl Scouts Overseas, each member of the National Board of Directors and the National Board Development Committee, each Past President, and each member elected by the National Council entitled to vote at such session.

7.  Updated Credentials/Membership Dues and Procedures for Registration to reflect annual membership dues raise from $10 to $12.

8.  Amended Constitution/Article V/Sessions of the National Council/Section 5 (Voting):

5. At sessions of the National Council eEach National Council member present in person at the National Council shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Elections to office and to the National Board of Directors shall be by ballot and a plurality of votes cast shall elect. Decision on annual membership dues shall be by ballot and shall require a majority of votes cast. All other matters shall be determined by a majority vote of the members present and voting, unless otherwise provided by this Constitution.

9.  Amended Constitution/Article XII/National Nominating Committee to complete rewrite.  See tabs for changes.

Article XII–National Nominating Committee

1. There shall be a National Nominating Committee consisting of seven members and the CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA who shall serve as an ex officio nonvoting member. The committee shall be representative of the various geographical areas of the country, and shall include at least two National Board members and at least three persons who are not National Board members.

2. Members of the committee shall be elected by the National Council to serve a three-year term beginning at the adjournment of the National Council when elected and ending with adjournment of the next regular session of the National Council. Members shall serve for no more than two consecutive terms. At least two members, but no more than three, shall serve a second consecutive term. The National Board of Directors shall have the power to fill vacancies in the committee. The requirements of Section 1 of this article shall be adhered to in filling vacancies.

3. The committee shall present to the National Council, at its regular session, a single slate of nominations for President of the corporation, the Vice Presidents, the Secretary, the Treasurer, nominations for members-at-large of the National Board of Directors; and nominations for members of the National Nominating Committee, including a nominee to serve as Chair of the National Nominating Committee. Nominations may be made from the floor at any regular session of the National Council provided that notice of such nominations and written consent of the nominee(s) are presented to the President at least two days prior to the election.

4. At a committee meeting held following the National Council Session, the committee shall elect a Vice Chair from among its membership. A vacancy in the office of Chair shall be filled by the Vice Chair until the next regular session of the National Council.

5. Any National Nominating Committee member who is absent from two consecutive National Nominating Committee meetings in their entirety without good cause, acceptable to the National Nominating Committee Chair, upon recommendation of the National Nominating Committee to the National Board of Directors, shall be removed from the National Nominating Committee by a majority vote of the National Board members present and voting at any regular meeting of the National Board of Directors. Further, upon recommendation of the National Nominating Committee to the National Board of Directors, a National Nominating Committee member may be removed with or without cause by a three-fourths vote of the total number of the National Board of Directors.

Article XII – National Board Development Committee, Nominations, and Elections

1. The National Board Development Committee shall consist of seven (7) members, including the chair of the committee; the CEO of Girl Scouts of the United States of America shall serve as an ex officio nonvoting member. Between meetings of the National Council, the National Board Development Committee shall work in partnership with and report to the National Board of Directors.

2. At least two (2) members shall be members of the National Board of Directors and at least three (3) members shall be non-National Board members.

3. Members shall be elected by the National Council.

4. The term of office shall commence at the adjournment of the National Council Session when elected, and shall end at the adjournment of the next regular session, or until successors are elected and assume office.

5. At least two (2) members, but no more than three (3), shall serve a second consecutive term. No individual shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms as a member of the committee.

6. The chair of the committee shall be appointed by the President from amongst the members of the National Board Development Committee and approved by either the Executive Committee or the National Board. Individual(s) shall serve no more than one (1) term as chair of the National Board Development Committee.

7. The committee shall elect a Vice Chair from amongst its membership.

8. A vacancy in any position, including the chair, shall be filled by the National Board for the unexpired term.

9. The committee shall present at each regular session of the National Council, a single slate of nominees for: a) the President; b) the Vice Presidents; c) the Secretary; d) the Treasurer; e) members-at-large of the National Board of Directors; and f) members of the National Board Development Committee. No member of the National Board Development Committee shall be eligible to be nominated for any officer position. A nominee for President shall be a current member of the National Board of Directors.

10. Nominations may be made from the floor of the National Council Session provided that notice of such nomination and written consent to serve by the nominee(s) shall have been provided to the President and the Chair of the National Board Development Committee at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the published time for the convening of the meeting at which the election shall be held.

11. Election to any position on the National Board or the National Board Development Committee shall require a majority of votes cast by those present and voting at the National Council Session.

12 Elections shall be by ballot, including electronic balloting, except if there is only one nominee for a position, the election may be held by acclamation.

13. Any National Board Development Committee member who is absent from two (2) consecutive National Board Development Committee meetings in their entirety without good cause, acceptable to the National Board Development Committee Chair, upon recommendation of the National Board Development Committee to the National Board of Directors, shall be removed from the National Board Development Committee by a majority vote of the National Board members present and voting at any regular meeting of the National Board of Directors.

Further, upon recommendation of the National Board Development Committee to the National Board of Directors, a National Board Development Committee member may be removed with or without cause by a three-fourths vote of the total number of the National Board of Directors.

10.  Amended Constitution/Article X/National Board of Directors/Vacancies:

5. The National Board of Directors shall have the power to fill vacancies in its own membership until the next regular session of the National Council, including any vacancy created by the election of a member-at-large to another capacity on the National Board and installation in such capacity, except for the Chair of the National Nominating Committee. In filling vacancies, the National Board shall conform to the requirement of Section 2 of this article.

11.  Approved by National Board in June 2008 – Amendment to Bylaws/Article II/Officers/1A/The President:

ii. preside at all meetings of the National Council, the National Board, and the Executive Committee, except at such meetings for which the duty of presiding is delegated to the First Vice President, the Second Vice President, the Secretary, or the Treasurer, or any member-at-large of the National Board of Directors.

12.  Change to Criteria and Standards/Criterion I: Membership Extension and Access to Girl Scout Program/Standard 5:

Through a comprehensive adult development system, the council recruits, screens, trains, provides support for, and addresses needs of adults who work directly with girls.

The council maintains a comprehensive volunteer management system that includes the following:

• Volunteer application, placement, and evaluation processes
• Volunteer screening process that meets state and local requirements
• Volunteer training process
• Volunteer grievance process

This action becomes effective October 1, 2010.

13.  Change to Endorsements/Trademark/Marketing/Internet Sales in the Policies section:

Sales9 on a website on the Internet8 of any products sold in council-sponsored product sales, such as Girl Scout cookies, candy, nuts, calendars, or magazine subscriptions, may not be conducted by anyone at any time are not permitted.*

Marketing10 these products using the Internet—including order taking—is permitted in accordance with GSUSA guidance and with parental permission and supervision.

Sales on the Internet of Girl Scout merchandise, such as uniforms, insignia, publications, and equipment, may only be conducted by duly authorized and licensed Girl Scout councils, council shops, retail agencies, and/or GSUSA-licensed vendors. Permission to sell on the Internet must be obtained For safety and security reasons, sales on the Internet for any Girl Scout troop/group money-earning activities may not be conducted by individual girls, parents, or other adults from GSUSA.

For safety and security reasons, sales on the Internet for any Girl Scout troop/group money-earning activities may not be conducted by individual girls, parents, or other adults.

*Online magazine sales using GSUSA-approved vendor developed Web sites are permitted as an exception.
9.  Sales on the Internet include any financial transaction concluded on any online Web site, including online auctions or broadcast email messages, and/or posting on individual Girl Scout, troop/group, or Girl Scout council websites public sale sites.

10. Marketing includes advertising the sale and the solicitation and receipt of order commitments.

14. No longer included an Index.

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