Introducing the GSUSA Movement Governance Advisory Team

GSUSA recently published the following regarding its new Movement Governance Advisory Team. We at GSG thank the Office of the National Board for providing us with the following release. The advisory team will be looking for feedback from all sources, so please feel free to share your thoughts either in the comments section below or with us directly if you would rather share them privately.

From the Office of the National Board:

We are pleased to share the composition and charge of the newly formed Movement Governance Advisory Team (MGAT). With nearly 70 individuals volunteering to join the team, the board had a wealth of experience and talent from which to choose. Thank you to those delegates who expressed an interest in this leadership opportunity.

The MGAT’s work —which begins with a first meeting in November 2023—will include assessing an optimal proposal process, the frequency of NCS convenings, and the implementation of virtual NCS sessions. They will make recommendations to the National Board and National Council no later than the 57th National Council Session in July 2026. Engagement with Movement stakeholders, including council CEOs and board chairs, delegates, past Presidents, members will be part of the MGAT’s work.

The MGAT does not replace the National Council Session Advisory Team. The latter group is established each triennium to advise the Board on the NCS agenda and format and to develop and deliver delegate education on the proposals for discussion at NCS.

If you have any questions about the Movement Governance Advisory Team, please contact Kay Hallenbeck.

Movement Governance Advisory Team Charge

The National Board has established a Movement Governance Advisory Team to improve the effectiveness of Movement Governance and specifically the National Council. The Team will consider and make recommendations, when appropriate, to strengthen the governance of the Movement and provide input to the National Board on the following:

a) Together with the National Board, consider what governance and the democratic process mean and how they are applied across the Movement.

b) Together with the National Board, consider actionable feedback from the 56th National Council Session (July 2023) to share with the appropriate stakeholders.

c) Effective and improved council and delegate voice and communication including an optimal proposal process, taking into consideration the governance themes raised in proposals not placed on the 56th National Council Session agenda.

d) Delegate selection, inclusion, and engagement locally and nationally throughout a triennium.

e) The frequency of NCS convenings and implementation of virtual NCS sessions.

f) How our delegates and National Council can operate in way consistent with our Promise and Law inclusive of our commitment to diversity, pluralism, and anti-racism.

g) Future state needs and how to communicate such with the GSUSA executive team, the National Board, national council delegates and council and national leadership teams throughout the 2023-2026 triennium inclusive of a formal report to delegates as part of the 57th National Council Session.




    1. We are sharing the response to your question from the Office of the National Board: “The Movement Governance Advisory Team will be seeking input from delegates and other Movement stakeholders throughout its process as its members seek to understand the perspectives of each group and to test its early ideas. Updates and engagement with delegates will be through the delegate website. In the meantime, if you have thoughts and ideas to share, please send them to and these will be shared with the Team.”

  1. Thank you! This is an intricate part of what we mean when we say, ” Girl Scouting is so much more than just selling cookies”. No wonder so many of our today’s leaders were yesterday’s Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Not that selling cookies isn’t as valuable a task since the skills learnt gave rise to some of our today’s top women in business. Suffice it to say that one won’t lose out [being a Girl Scout, so much to learn and so much to gain!] There, I coined the next slogan, your welcome!

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